Another Beautiful day in dystopia aint it? and here we all thought we’d be living in a nuclear wasteland fighting over gasoline or floating in a water world while Kevin Costner zips around on a sea doo. Instead Dystopia is other people and technology simply magnifies the horrors of banal stupidity. But hey what do we know we’re just a bunch of luddites.
~1.5x2 Inches
~MS DoS Glow
~Triple Posted
~Screen addiction not included
~ This is for 1 pin per order (2 pins shown in photo for example only)
“YoU DoNt UnDeRsTaNd MaChInE LeArNiNg”
“iT aLLoWs aRtIsTs To CreAtE WoRk NoT PoSsIbLe UsInG tRaDiTiOnAl MetHoDs”
“ItS ThE SaMe As LeARnInG fRoM A MaStEr CoPy”
“GoOd ArTiStS BoRrOw GrEaT ArTiSts StEaL”
“PeOpLe SaId ThE SaMe ThInG AbOuT PhOtOsHoP”
“YoUrE SuCh LuDdiTe”
“YoU LeArNeD bY CoPyInG”
“BuT MuH CaMeRaS aNd SyNtHeSiZeRs”
"GeT UsEd To It BeCaUsE It'S NoT GoInG AnYwHeRE"
"Im So EnLiGhTeNeD Im EmBrAcInG tHe VeRy ThInG ThAt WiLl DeStRoY Me"
There is a huge difference between technology being the tool and you being the tool.